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flood cat bond


NFIP reform bills progress, including calls for flood cat bonds

22nd June 2017

A number of bills aimed at reforming the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), in order to make it a more sustainable system and to factor in more private market insurance and risk transfer, have been passed by the House Financial Services Committee and will now move onto the full House of Representatives for deliberation.

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Flood cat bonds? Flood sidecars? How can the NFIP de-risk using ILS?

8th June 2017

As the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) increasingly looks to risk capital, from traditional reinsurance and in the future capital markets, in order to de-risk itself and better protect the taxpayers who ultimately back it, it’s perhaps more likely we see ILS structures in the form of a sidecar than a flood catastrophe bond, S&P […]

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