Swiss Re Insurance-Linked Fund Management

PCS - Emerging Risks, New Opportunities

Cyber ILS – Cyber Insurance-Linked Securities news

Cyber risks are seen as an area of opportunity and expansion for the insurance-linked securities (ILS) marketplace.

As demand for cyber insurance and cyber reinsurance grow, while there has been a general lack of cyber retrocession capacity, many are looking to the capital markets and ILS to fill the gaps.

The ILS market regularly discusses the potential for cyber ILS and cyber catastrophe bonds, while a number of companies have been exploring ceding more cyber insurance risk to the capital markets, using insurance-linked securities (ILS).


Cyber catastrophe could deter ILS investors: Conning

14th July 2023

In a new report, insurance focused investment manager Conning raises a valid point, that a nascent cyber insurance-linked securities (ILS) market may be based on fragile investor confidence, so the occurrence of a major cyber catastrophe loss could deter them before the market even has a chance to mature.

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Beazley tops-up cyber cat bond cover with second $20m issuance

24th May 2023

Beazley, the London headquartered specialty insurance and reinsurance underwriter, has successfully sponsored its second cyber catastrophe bond, Artemis has learned from sources, with the firm topping up its debut cyber cat bond using a second segregated cell to add $20 million of fresh reinsurance cover, through a Cairney II issuance.

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