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Archive for September, 2010


Weatherproofing your profits?

27th September 2010

So many industries suffer losses due to inclement weather. Nowadays many of those losses can be avoided through intelligent weather risk management or use of alternative risk transfer. This press release (below) is yet another great example of how innovative weather risk techniques are helping businesses weather proof their profits.

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Could state windstorm plans survive a hurricane?

25th September 2010

Most U.S. states which are at risk of landfalling hurricanes have state windstorm plans and pools which are designed to be insurers of last resort for people living in high-risk zones where getting any insurance cover is difficult. So as the ultimate backstop for some states how would they fair if a major hurricane hit?

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Solvency II a catalyst for change

23rd September 2010

A new report has been published by Oliver Wyman and Morgan Stanley looking at how Solvency II regulation and oversight will affect the insurance industry. Solvency II is something we’re following closely as it’s looking likely that it will spur on risk transfer and potentially insurance-linked securities.

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Atlantic hurricane season forecast to finish strongly

23rd September 2010

Weather Services International (WSI) has updated its forecast for the remainder of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season. They say that they were somewhat surprised that Julia and Karl both attained major hurricane status last week and that has drawn them to the conclusion that the forecast needs to be upped slightly.

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New York considering creating a catastrophe insurance pool

23rd September 2010

New York Superintendent of Insurance James Wrynn announced a number of measures aimed at keeping the cost of coastal insurance affordable for residents of New York. The proposals include standard deductibles for windstorms, reducing the number of non-renewals insurers may issue and creating a catastrophe pool to stabilise premiums.

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Zurich lists the ‘Top Ten Mega Disasters’ of the last decade

22nd September 2010

Zurich have listed what they see as the ‘Top Ten Mega Disasters’ of the last decade on their website.These events have been selected based on loss of life, overall impact to businesses and the geographic scope and duration of the disasters. It also makes sense that these are some of the biggest insurance loss events […]

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