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Reinsurance Market Survey - H2 2019

Taking the temperature of the global reinsurance market

About the survey

Reinsurance News and Artemis teamed up again in H2 2019 to take the temperature of the global reinsurance market at the key time of year when thoughts are turning to renewals.

What we did

We reached out directly to senior executives in the industry and key contacts, as well as our global readership, to ask their take on the state of reinsurance today (H2 2019).

We wanted to analyse reinsurance market sentiment while thoughts turn to January 2020, against the backdrop of what appear more sustainable rate increases.

View the results of our 2018 survey here.

The respondents

All identifiable senior reinsurance industry executives, including 27 CEO's, 22 CUO's, 12 COO's, a number of Chairmen or Vice Chairmen, reinsurance buyers, senior underwriting executives, ILS managers, and service providers.

Survey Results

To begin, here are a few insights into the demographics of our reinsurance market survey respondents

As you'll see below, the majority of respondents have responsibility for, or provide input to, reinsurance and retrocession buying decisions

We began by asking respondents their price expectations for the following lines of business at the 1/1 2020 renewals

Our next question identified the primary focus of reinsurance buying in Jan 2020

Determining the key factors that protection buyers consider when choosing a reinsurance counterparty was the next logical step

On demand, we asked protection buyers if they would be securing more or less reinsurance and from which sources?

We were keen to understand how respondents saw ILS’ influence playing out in the near-future

We wanted to find out what the biggest issues respondents faced so far in 2019 have been

We also asked what will be key for reinsurers as they move into 2020 and beyond

Finally, we wanted to ask the hundreds of people who responded to our survey what they think of the modernisation initiatives at Lloyd's

We hope you've enjoyed this insight into the state of the reinsurance market and found the results interesting and perhaps useful.
Please share this page with your colleagues and contacts to give them a glimpse into the sentiment of the global reinsurance market at this time.


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Global Reinsurance Market Survey
Copyright © Steve Evans Ltd. 2019